Medical Laboratory Technologist – Work4u Consultancy Ltd.

Job Responsibilities
Licensing systems In Denmark .
There is 2 step to get Licensing in Denmark
Step 1: You have to pass the Danish Language exam .There are 3 module of the Language. You have to get score 1st module 10 , second module 7 and third module 7.
You can do the Language course after going to Denmark. Or , If you want we can arrange Online Danish Language Course ( One to One) . After Covid 19 we will start physical class.But it’s totally depends on you .You can learn the Language either going to Denmark or Bangladesh.
Step 2 : After arrived into the Denmark you just appear into the Language exam.After passing Language exam you can appear the into Licensing exam .
NB : At first you will get 3 years visa with work permit to clear the Licensing exam .If you can not clear within this 3 year your visa will be extended another 3 years.
So , you will get 6 years time to clear all the Licensing exam. If you are unable to clear Licensing exam you have to switch into non clinical like Health assistant/Health social worker etc.
Any Confusion Call : 01718833391
NB : Noted that we are not a Volunteer organization or Charity worker so that we will process your paper from our own pocket. This advertisement is for a health professional who wants to move Europe with their full family. There is fifteen thousand taka ( 15000) taka advance for this post . If you think you can not give this 15000 taka , please don’t call or apply here.
Employment Status

Educational Requirements
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Medical Lab Technology
Additional Requirements
Age at most 60 years

Send your CV to or to Email CV from MY BDJOBS account Click here.
Application Deadline : 8 Sep 2020
